Duration of one day (multiple days can be discussed) in surgery and observation of aftercare the following day.
Dr. Emer will teach out to assess/consult and give comprehensive treatment protocols including pre and post treatment.
Dr. Emer will review his assessment if plastic surgery is necessary and where.
Dr. Emer will review the patient marking strategy.
Dr. Emer will review numbing technique and preparation.
Dr. Emer will review VASER usage and parameters.
Dr. Emer will review PAL, cannula choice, technique and the treatment of multiple areas.
Dr. Emer will review internal heating (Renuvion and BodyTite) techniques and parameters.
Dr. Emer will review fat processing and grafting techniques.
Dr. Emer will review aftercare protocols including use of hyperbaric oxygen, IV therapies, lymphatic massage, and RF treatments.
Dr. Emer will review common patient complaints/concerns we encounter and how to treat/address.
Dr. Emer will review all skincare products and supplements needed for the pre and post-surgical process.